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Prices include 1 correction round. Extra correction round € 40 each time. Prices are exclusive of VAT.

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HTML Price
10 banner formats € 475,-
3 banner formats € 185,-
1 banner format € 75,-
Incl. 1 correction round
Extra correction € 40,- per round
GIF Price
10 banner formats € 385,-
3 banner formats € 90,-
1 banner format € 40,-
Incl. 1 correction round
Extra correction € 40,- per round

More information

Over Banners

At Ad Creators we specialize in creating html and gif banners. Ideal for your display campaign or in-app advertising.

A good banner must meet a number of conditions. There are the technical requirements: certain dimensions, a maximum file size and the format. But, also in a creative sense you want your banner to fulfil the purpose for which it was made. That is why you can have a professional banner made by us.

Input for the layout of your banner

If you have your banner made by us, we would like to receive the necessary input from you. For example, we want to know what you will use the banner for and what the purpose of your ad is. Then we take this into account in the design. We set up an advertisement that is intended to generate brand awareness differently than one that is intended to stimulate sales.

Create HTML banner

An html5 banner consists of a combination of different types of code (including html, of course). This allows you to create rich, animated banners. In terms of options, such as use of color, interaction and quality, an html banner is preferable to a GIF banner.

Create GIF banner

Of course we know GIFs from the WhatsApp groups. You can also use GIF files as banners. A GIF is basically a series of moving pictures and therefore has slightly less creative possibilities than HTML. A GIF can therefore be cheaper than an html banner. However, a GIF banner is more suitable for email marketing.

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